by Haley | Sep 1, 2008 | Uncategorized
Holiday Weekend Project #1: Finish Painting the HouseSCRATCH! This weekend was too rainy for painting. (I know! We’ll never get it done.)I HATE the idea of having a partially painted house! I don’t want to spend the winter in a house painted like this!As...
by Haley | Aug 26, 2008 | Atomic Ranch, lowbrow lanai, mid-century modern league, mid-century Portland, Roadside Vintage
The new issue of Atomic Ranch has finally hit the newsstands. We held our MCM League yard sale this weekend, and the sneak preview issue of the magazine was the biggest hit.Kelly from Vintage Roadside relaxes with Atomic Ranch in one of the yard sale chairs!Our...
by Haley | Aug 23, 2008 | mid-century modern home, mid-century modern league, mid-century Portland, restoration, Rummer
Just got the tile for the kid’s bathroom delivered. We stacked the boxes in the atrium and cracked them open to inspect the custom blend. Huh… it matches almost perfectly with the bamboo furniture in the atrium! Didn’t plan that… er, I...
by Haley | Aug 22, 2008 | mid-century modern home, mid-century modern league, mid-century Portland, restoration, Rummer
Voila! We finally have numbers on the house… maybe we’ll get mail now!The new address numbers arrived quicker than expected! Luckily, we’ve finished painting that section of the house so we wasted no time getting them installed.Each number is...
by Haley | Aug 20, 2008 | mid-century modern home, restoration, Rummer
Before: Oooooo!After: Awwwww!You can kind of see a small preview of the new house paint! I’ll post more on paint as soon as we get the whole house done. (The weather has been spotty… so it may be late August/September before that project is complete.)Handy...