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Will the Bamboo Survive?

My mom had some bamboo growing in her yard that she wanted gone and thought it might work for our side yard. The bamboo is tall! It’s at least 15 feet tall and plenty to start our bamboo forest. We decided to start with a few clumps and see how they do. Digging...

Bathroom Tile Update

The tile is ordered! It’s the custom blend classic tiles from Hakatai (mentioned in an earlier post), and will be delivered in mid-August. Today’s design plan includes keeping the tub. We have gone back and forth on whether the tub stays or goes, but now...

New House Numbers on Order!

We’re working quite a bit on the house exterior and landscaping this summer. (Steve’s actually caulking and prepping the beams for paint right now!) I ordered new numbers for the front of the house and they will be here in about 3-5 weeks! Yikes! They are...

Cutest Vanity… in the World!

Okay, maybe not the world, but it is adorable.Found it through a post on the Mid-Century Modern League forum. And it was FREE! (Thanks, Heather, for the great find! It will be very happy in our home.) Love the rounded corner and shelves. The sink is amazing....