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Halloween is done and with it we usher in our first holiday season in the Rummer! I’m in decorating mode (construction will need to wait.) Our decoration inventory was drastically reduced in the move, the only things that survived are our shag-inspired skull and kitty cat for Halloween; and the aluminum Christmas tree (with color wheel and rotating/musical tree stand.)

The kids converted the ball light in the entry into a glowing jack-o-lantern. That was fun. And we’ll most likely do that again next year.

I’m at a loss for Thanksgiving so I might just launch right into Christmas. Last summer I scored a huge tub of vintage tree decorations at a local garage sale… all in TURQUOISE! Love it. Is it too soon to put up the shiny tree?

(No, I haven’t put up the tree yet! This is a photo from last year.)

Yes, it’s too early to put up the tree and construction will have to wait a bit… or will it?!!!

Stay tuned for a horrifying tale of a simple toilet, improperly installed by the previous owner. Cringe at the consequences of not using cementboard under a bathroom tile floor and endure the eerie, creeping sensation of wet, rotting particleboard. Has the tongue & groove decking escaped the horrors of sewage-water moisture rot? There’s only one way to tell, and with the aid of a hammer and crowbar we will be tearing into the floor in the kids bathroom soon… very soon…

Regardless of what evils lurk beneath the 12×12 ceramic tiles, this story is guaranteed to scare the C, R, A, you-know-what out of you! (…well, at least I know it scares me!!!)
Happy holidays, indeed.